Home » Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery » Direct implant
A recent innovation in dentistry is the direct implant, also known as “teeth in a day.”
Due to this discovery, the patient will be able to complete the treatment in just one visit.
This type of implant is appropriate for one or two missing teeth.
The direct implant provides people with the pleasure they need to eat their meals without stumbling and feeling any distress, and it heals more quickly than the regular implant.
Like regular implants, Local anesthesia will deaden the area before the implant is surgically placed there.
Your gums are punctured, revealing the bone beneath.
The implant will be placed in the bone after digging the bone.
The implant is secured in situ with screws.
The crown will be prepared and applied on the top of the implant in the next session.
• It functions as the natural tooth
• It can be done in a short time
• You won’t have to wait for months to install the crown
• It is made with great materials.
Taking care of your oral health is a big step after doing the Implant, brush your teeth daily and avoid any hard food that may cause a breaking to the crown.
Visit your dentist every 3 months and check your health status.
Please feel welcome to contact our medical consultants with any medical enquires. Our doctors will receive and answer any urgent calls.
Affordable dental treatment for a healthy smile, average 70% lower costs compared to clinics in Europe, UK and US.
Our mission has always been dedication to making our patients smile again proudly.
We aim to change your life’s path by giving you a smile you deserve. Our medical team strives to treat all dental problems, whether for medical or beautification purposes so that our patients can smile proudly and have perfect teeth like celebrities.
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