Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve is a limiting procedure that involves cutting about 2/3 of the stomach, particularly the portion that contains the cells that generate the hormone that increases appetite, ghrelin. The stomach is reduced to a vertical tube after the larger curvature has been removed.

How is it done?

First of all, the doctor will put you under general anesthesia; he will then insert a laparoscope which is a thin long tube.

The surgeon will divide your stomach and eliminate a huge part of it (about 80%) the rest of it will be then stapled as one part.

The surgery will take about one hour and you will need to stay at the hospital for 3 days at the maximum to be followed by your doctor.

Gastric sleeve advantages:

It reduces the size of the stomach which makes you eat fewer amounts of food than before.

You won’t feel the hunger as before since the part that is responsible to make the ghrelin is eliminated.

You will start to lose weight from the first month 

It improves life quality and lower the risk of diabetes and blood pressure 

Who is eligible for this surgery?

People with severe obesity (BMI score of 40 or higher) or people who suffer from overweight (BMI 35-39) with at minimum single serious obesity-related ailment.

Gastric sleeve diet program:

Before and after the surgery you need to follow a strict diet to avoid any complications or danger:

Before the surgery:

Before the surgery with a minimum of two weeks, you need to decrease both calories and carbohydrates; instead, you will consummate lean protein meals.

After the surgery:

The first week: you will drink clear liquids only to avoid complications

The second week: you will consummate a full-liquid diet which contains intense drinks, milkshakes, fruit juices, and soups

Third weeks: 3 weeks later following the surgery you will be able to eat smashed food like pureed vegetables.

After a month: you will be able to eat healthy well-cooked protein like chicken and fish

You can go back to normal life and eat all kinds of meals after 5 weeks

Bariatric surgeries Treatments


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