Home » Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery » Dental implants
A dental implant is a small titanium root placed in the jaw bone. It can fill one or more missing teeth in the mouth. These implants are fixed in the bone and not movable, this process is usually performed under local anesthesia.
This method is offered to people with one or more removed teeth. Dental implants enable the improvement of biting function; improve routine comfort, and teeth beauty.
Before receiving dental implants, the patient must undergo a series of steps. The first of these is the requirement to complete all required analyses and tests and determine whether the patient is eligible to receive dental implants. Only after completing these steps can the patient be anesthetized locally to continue with the implantation process.
The metal implants are then installed by the doctor after they are located and dug into the jaw with specialized tools. Titanium is a gum-friendly material that easily fuses with the bone without endangering the patient.
The doctor places a temporary bridge for the patient after placing the implants in the correct spot. This temporary bridge shields the implants from food, cold air, and other outside elements.
The patient then enters the curing period, which takes between three and six months for the sore around the new implants to recover and become a part of the jaw. The doctor can then place crowns on them so that the patient gets the desired outcome and new teeth during this time.
Following dental implants, it’s crucial to follow the instructions to protect them and increase their success rate:
• The patient should consistently take the antibiotics or painkillers prescribed by the doctor and refrain from increasing dosages or using additional painkillers without first consulting the physician.
• To prevent any health harm, the patient must give up consuming alcohol and smoking for at least two weeks.
• During the first few weeks, it is best to avoid hard foods, which can harm the implants, and instead eat smooth or mashed meals.
• Steer clear of all sports and activities.
Please feel welcome to contact our medical consultants with any medical enquires. Our doctors will receive and answer any urgent calls.
Affordable dental treatment for a healthy smile, average 70% lower costs compared to clinics in Europe, UK and US.
Our mission has always been dedication to making our patients smile again proudly.
We aim to change your life’s path by giving you a smile you deserve. Our medical team strives to treat all dental problems, whether for medical or beautification purposes so that our patients can smile proudly and have perfect teeth like celebrities.
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